Finnian Burnett

Author, Educator, Cat Person

Welcome to the 5 Questions Series. Each week, I’ll ask five questions of some of my favorite authors, editors, publishers, and other industry professionals. This week, I’m talking with rob mclennan. You have a new book of short stories coming out in august. Can you talk a little about that collection? On Beauty (University of Alberta Press) …

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Happy birthday to all November folks! Today is my 49th birthday. I’m excited because I’ve looked forward to turning 50 since I turned 40. Before that, I was in desperate physical health and believed I wouldn’t make it to 50. Women in their fifties are something special. They’ve reached that “I don’t give a fuck” …

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When my wife and I first moved to British Columbia, I was in bad shape physically. I could barely make it around the block, let alone do any hiking. The first time we walked out on the Kettle Valley Rail Trail (a couple blocks from our home), I looked at the opening of the old …

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Guest Blog on Women and Words

What happens when the illustrious, if slightly strange Andi Marquette invites me to guest blog on Women and Words? I say yes, of course. Check it out. It’s about my very soon to be released newest novel, “The Love Sucks Club.”


the love sucks club

March 28, 2014

Two things happened in the past couple of days that have led to this blog. First, a friend of mine wrote to me, “I love how you carry yourself. The way you walk and dance and play, you move like you own your body. I think so many of us (women) are enslaved by our …

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